Arikunto,Suharmini.1992. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi. Bumi aksara. Jakarta.
.1993. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi. Bumi aksara. Jakarta.
Bangsawan,Indra.1998. English Curriculum In Junior High School.
Unpublished.Bandar lampung.
Brown, J .W.Lewis,1997.Technology,Media And Method. MC.Graw Hill.
New york.
Dixson,Robert j.1999. Practical Guide To The Teaching Of English As A
Foreign Language. Regent Publishing Compay Inc.New York.
Finnochairo. Mary and Bonomo. 1984. The Forgein Language Learner.
Aguide For Teacher. Regent Publishing Compay Inc.New York.
.1967. English As A Second Language. From Theory To Practice.
Simon And Schuster Inc. New York.
Harris.D.P.2001. Testing English As A Second Language. MC Graw Hill. USA.
Hornby,A.S.1984.Oxpord Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Current English.
Oxpord University Press. New York.
.1984.Oxpord Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Current English.
Oxpord University Press. New York.
S. Sam and Kasmir. M.1994. English For Children.
Bintang Usaha Jaya.Surabaya.
Stievieck,Earl.2002.Helping People Learn English. Abingdon Press.
Nasville Ten.
Wallance,Michael j.1988.Teaching Vocabulary.Heineman Educational
Book Ltd.New York.
Wilkins,D.A.2001.Second Language Learning And Teaching.
Edward Arnold Publisher Ltd.London.
Lesson Plan I
( Experimental Class)
1. Identity Of The Subject
School : SMP Paramarta
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII_A/ 1
Topic : Vocabulary
Sub Topic : Names Of Animals
Quarter : Third Quarter
Time : 60 Minutes
2. Standard Of Competence.
Students are familiar with some vocabularies refer to the Names of Animal.
3. Basic Competence.
At the end of Theaching-Learning prosess, Students are hoped to be able to give the names of the Pictures shown in English.
4. Indicators.
· Comprehending and can interpret the vocabulary newly
· replying all question form.
5. Learning Aims.
· The students are know about Animals.
· The students are know and some Animal.
· The students are know about it.
6. Learning Materials.
Material are eight picture of animals, they are:
Elephent Frog Giraffe
Buffalo Crocodile Duck
Snake Butterfly
7. Teaching Method
· Demonstration about Animals.
· Communicative.
8. Teaching Learning Activity.
Meeting 1 | Actions | Time |
a. Pre activity b. Post activity c. Last activity | · Greeting · The teacher introduces the material. · The teacher explains and gives of examples from the Animals. · The teacher asks to the students fair the many Animals and Discuss togethers. · Make of conclusion together · Give homework · Closing the meeting | 15 Minutes 60 Minutes 15 Minutes |
9. Tools and Sources.
a. Tools : Classroom Equipment, Pictures.
b. Sources : Warib, Sam S. And Ibrahim, M. kasir .1994
English For Children. Bintang Usaha Jaya. SURABAYA.
10. Scoring .
· Written test
11. Evaluation.
Give the name of the Animals Picture shown by the Teacher in English !!..
The Picture are:
Ular Kupu-Kupu Buaya
Katak Jerapah Kerbau
Gajah Bebek/ Itik.
The Pictures
12. Key Answer.
Snake Buttrefly Crocodile Frog
Giraffe Buffalo Elephent Duck.
Seputih Banyak,.......2010
English Teacher Researcher
Ketut Suardana S.Pd I Wayan Edi Candra
NUPTK.9536754655200003 SRN. 07340291
Headmaser of SMP PARAMARTA
Satuni S.Pd.
NIP. 19621114 198802 1 001
Lesson plan I
( Control Class)
1. Identity Of The Subject
School : SMP Paramarta
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII_B/ 1
Topic : Vocabulary
Sub Topic : Names Of Animals
Quarter : Third Quarter
Time : 60 Minutes
2. Standard Of Competence.
Students are familiar with some vocabularies refer to the Names of Animal.
3. Basic Competence.
At the end of Theaching-Learning prosess, Students are hoped to be able to give the names of the Pictures shown in English.
4. Indicators.
· Comprehending and can interpret the vocabulary newly
· replying all question form.
5. Learning Aims
· The students are know about Animals.
· The students are know and some Animal.
· The students are know about it.
6. Learning Materials.
Material are eight picture of animal, they are:
Elephent Frog Giraffe
Buffalo Crocodile Duck
Snake Butterfly
7. Teaching method
· Demonstration about animals.
· Communicative..
8. Teaching Learning Activity.
Meeting 1 | Actions | Time |
a. Pre activity b. Post activity c.Last activity | · Greeting · The teacher introduces the material. · The teacher explains and gives of examples from the animals.. · The teacher asks to the students fair the many animals and Discuss togethers. · Make of conclusion together · Give homework. · Closing the meeting. | 15 Minutes 60 Minutes 15 Minutes |
9. Tools and Sources.
Tools : Classroom Equipment, Pictures.
Sources : Warib, Sam S. And Ibrahim, M. kasir .1994
English For Children. Bintang Usaha Jaya. SURABAYA.
10. Scoring .
· Writting test.
11. Evaluation.
Give the equivalent of these names of Animal in English!!!
1. Ular 5. Kupu-kupu,
2. Buaya 6. Katak,
3. Jerapah 7. Kerbau,
4. Gajah 8. Bebek/ Itik.
12. Key answers.
1. Snake 5. Buttrefly
2. Crocodile 6. Frog
3. Giraffe 7. Buffalo
4. Elephent 8. Duck.
Seputih Banyak,.......2010
English Teacher Researcher
Ketut Suardana S.Pd I Wayan Edi Candra
NUPTK.9536754655200003 SRN. 07340291
Headmaser of SMP PARAMARTA
Satuni S.Pd.
NIP. 19621114 198802 1 001
Lesson plan II
( Experimental class)
1. Identity Of The Subject
School : SMP Paramarta
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII_A/ 1
Topic : Vocabulary
Sub Topic : Names of Tools
Quarter : Third Quarter
Time : 60 Minutes
2. Standard Of Competence.
Students are familiar with some vocabularies refer to the Names of Tools.
3. Basic Competence.
At the end of Theaching-Learning prosess, Students are hoped to be able to give the names of the Pictures shown in English.
4. Indicators.
· Comprehending and can interpret the vocabulary newly
· replying all question form.
5. Learning Aims
· The students are know about Tools.
· The students are know and some Tool.
· The students are know about it.
6. Learning Materials.
Materials are ten vocabularies about Names of Tools , they are:
Hammer. Nail. Saw. Knife. Key.
Comb. Spoon. Scisssors. Ashtray.
7. Teaching method.
· Demonstration about Tools.
· Communicative.
8. Teaching Learning Activity.
Meeting 1 | Actions | Time |
a. Pre activity b. Post activity c. Last activity | · Greeting · the teacher introduces the material. · The teacher explains and gives of examples from the Tools. · The teacher asks to the students fair the many Tools and Discuss togethers. · Make of conclusion together · Give homework · Closing the meeting | 15 Minutes 60 Minutes 15 Minutes |
9. Tools and sources.
Tools : Classroom Equipment, Pictures.
Sources : Warib, Sam S. And Ibrahim, M. Kasir .1994 English
For Children. Bintang Usaha Jaya. SURABAYA.
10. Scoring .
· Writting test.
11. Evaluation.
Metch the names of these Picture with the Picture provided.
1. Hammer. (.......) 6. Nail. (........)
2. Saw. (.......) 7.Knife. (........)
3. Key. (.......) 8.Comb. (........)
4. Spoon. (.......) 9.Scisssors. (........)
5. Ashtray. (.......)
The pictures
12. Key Answer.
1. B 2. D 3.F 4.A 5.C 6.E 7.G 8.I 9.H
Seputih Banyak,.......2010
English Teacher Researcher
Ketut Suardana S.Pd I Wayan Edi Candra
NUPTK.9536754655200003 SRN. 07340291
Headmaser of SMP PARAMARTA
Satuni S.Pd.
NIP. 19621114 198802 1 001
Lesson Plan II
( Control Class)
1. Identity Of The Subject
School : SMP Paramarta 1
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII_B/ 1
Topic : Vocabulary
Sub Topic : Names of Tools
Quarter : Third Quarter
Time : 60 Minutes
2. Standard Of Competence.
Students are familiar with some vocabularies refer to the Names of Tools.
3. Basic Competence.
At the end of Theaching-Learning prosess, Students are hoped to be able to give the names of the Pictures shown in English.
4. Indicators.
· Comprehending and can interpret the vocabulary newly
· replying all question form.
5. Learning Aims
· The students are know about tools.
· The students are know and some tool.
· The students are know about it.
6. Learning Materials.
Materials are ten vocabularies about Names of Tools , they are:
Hammer. Nail. Saw. Knife. Key.
Comb. Spoon. Scisssors. Ashtray.
7. Teaching Method.
· Demonstration about Tools.
· Communicative.
8. Teaching Learning Activity.
Meeting 1 | Actions | Time |
A. Pre activity b. Post activity c.Last activity | · Greeting · the teacher introduces the material. · The teacher explains and gives of examples from the Tools. · The teacher asks to the students fair the many Tools and Discuss togethers. · Make of conclusion together · Give homework · Closing the meeting | 15 Minutes 60 Minutes 15 Minutes |
9. Tools and sources.
Tools : Classroom Equipment, Pictures.
Sources : Warib, Sam S. And Ibrahim, M. Kasir .1994 English
For Children. Bintang Usaha Jaya. SURABAYA.
10. Scoring .
· Writting Test.
11. Evaluation.
Match the names of these Tools with the equivalent provided.
1. Palu 6. Gunting a. Saw f. Hammer
2. Pisau. 7. Asbak b. com g. Nail
3. Sendok 8. Sisir c. Knife h. Ashtray.
4. Paku 9. Gergaji d. Spoon. i. Key
5. Kunci e. Scissor
12. Key answer
1. F 2.c 3.d 4.g 5.i 6.e 7.h 8.b 9.a
Seputih Banyak,.......2010
English Teacher Researcher
Ketut Suardana S.Pd I Wayan Edi Candra
NUPTK.9536754655200003 SRN. 07340291
Headmaser of SMP PARAMARTA
Satuni S.Pd.
NIP. 19621114 198802 1 001
Lesson Plan III
( Experimental class)
1. Identity Of The Subject
School : SMP Paramarta 1
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII_A/ 1
Topic : Vocabulary
Sub Topic : Names of Fruits
Quarter : Third Quarter
Time : 60 Minutes
2. Standard Of Competence.
Students are familiar with some vocabularies refer to the Names of Fruits.
3. Basic Competence.
At the end of Theaching-Learning prosess, Students are hoped to be able to give the names of the Pictures shown in English.
4. Indicators.
· Comprehending and can interpret the vocabulary newly
· replying all question form.
5. Learning Aims
· The students are know about Fruits.
· The students are know and some Fruit.
· The students are know about it.
6. Learning Materials.
Materials are eight picture of Fruits, they are :
Bananas Pineapple Oranges Watermelon
Coconut Jackfruit Avocados Mengoes.
7. Teaching method.
· Demonstration about fruits.
· Communicative.
8. Teaching Learning Activity.
Meeting 1 | Actions | Time |
a. Pre activity b.Post activity c.Last activity | · Greeting · the teacher introduces the material. · The teacher explains and gives of examples from the fruits. · The teacher asks to the students fair the many fruits and Discuss togethers. · Make of conclusion together · Give homework · Closing the meeting | 15 Minutes 60 Minutes 15 Minutes |
9. Tools and sources
Tools : Classroom Equipment, Pictures.
Sources : Warib, Sam S. And Ibrahim, M. Kasir .1994 English
For Children. Bintang Usaha Jaya. SURABAYA.
10. Scoring.
· Writting test.
11. Evaluation.
1. Mother buys some..... at king supermarket.
2. Red ....... is very expensive.
3. Rina likes ....... very much.
4. Father eats an ...... everyday.
5. Budi buys some ....... today.
Answer the items above by completing it with the equivalent of the picture bellow:
12. Key answer.
1. Bananas 2. Apple 3. Avocados 4. Orange 5. Manggoes.
Seputih Banyak,.......2010
English Teacher Researcher
Ketut Suardana S.Pd I Wayan Edi Candra
NUPTK.9536754655200003 SRN. 07340291
Headmaser of SMP PARAMARTA
Satuni S.Pd.
NIP. 19621114 198802 1 001
Lesson Plan III
( Control Class)
1. Identity Of The Subject
School : SMP Paramarta 1
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII_A/ 1
Topic : Vocabulary
Sub Topic : Names of Fruits
Quarter : Third Quarter
Time : 60 Minutes
2. Standard Of Competence.
Students are familiar with some vocabularies refer to the Names of Fruits.
3. Basic Competence.
At the end of Theaching-Learning prosess, Students are hoped to be able to give the names of the Pictures shown in English.
4. Indicators.
· Comprehending and can interpret the vocabulary newly
· Replying all question form.
5. Learning Aims
· The students are know about Fruits.
· The students are know and some Fruit.
· The students are know about it.
6. Learning Materials.
Materials are eight picture of Fruits, they are :
Bananas Pineapple Oranges Watermelon
Coconut Jackfruit Avocados Mengoes.
7. Teaching Method.
· Demonstration about Fruits.
· Communicative
8. Teaching Learning Activity.
Meeting 1 | Actions | Time |
a.Pre activity b.Post activity c.Last activity | · Greeting · the teacher introduces the material. · The teacher explains and gives of examples from the fruits. · The teacher asks to the students fair the many fruits and Discuss togethers. · Make of conclusion together. · Give homework · Closing the meeting | 15 Minutes 60 Minutes 15 Minutes |
9. Tools and sources
Tools : Classroom Equipment, Pictures.
Sources : Warib, Sam S. And Ibrahim, M. Kasir .1994 English
For Children. Bintang Usaha Jaya. SURABAYA.
10. Scoring.
· Writting test.
11. Evaluation.
Fill in the blank the equivalent of the words in the bracket.
1. Mother buys some..... at king supermarket. ( Pisang)
2. Red ....... is very expensive. (Apel)
3. Rina likes ....... very much. ( Alpokat)
4. Father eats an ...... everyday.(Jeruk)
5. Budi buys some ....... today.( Mangga)
12. Key answer.
1. Bananas 2. Apple 3. Avocado 4. Oranges 5. Mangoes
Seputih Banyak,.......2010
English Teacher Researcher
Ketut Suardana S.Pd I Wayan Edi Candra
NUPTK.9536754655200003 SRN. 07340291
Headmaser of SMP PARAMARTA
Satuni S.Pd.
NIP. 19621114 198802 1 001
Try-Out Test Items
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VII / Ganjil
Waktu : 60 Menit
Petunjuk :
1. Pilih jawaban yang benar a, b, c,atau d yang menurut anda Benar dengan arti kata yang Bergaris Bawah !!!
2. Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada jawaban yang anda anggap Benar.
1. Elaephant has a big body.
a. Kerbau b. Sapi c. Gajah d. Kuda
2. Deer run very fast.
a. Rusa b. Kijang c. Singa d. Gorilla
3. There are many butterflies in the Garden.
a. Semut b. Kupu-kupu c.Burung d.Capung
4. The eel looks like a snake.
a.Kura-kura b. Cacing c. Ular d.Belut
5. The eagle is flying near the tree.
a.Kadal b.Semut c.Elang d.Ular
6. The giraffe is eating the leaves.
a.Kambing b.Marmut c.Buffalo d.Jerapah
7. The monkey is hanging io the tree.
a.Monyet b.Singa c.Beruang d.Laba-laba
8. Forg moves by jumping.
a.Cecak b.Semut c.Katak d.Burung
9. Fahter buys three rabbits today.
a.Ayam b.Bebek c.Kucing d.kelinci
10. The man kills the snake with a stone.
a.Laba-laba b.Ular c.Kucing d.Anjing
11. There is a picture of crocodile on the wall.
a.Kuda b.Buaya c.Gajah d.Ikan paus
12. Lion is a very wild animal.
a.Kura-kura b.Banteng c.Singa d.Beruang
13. Bear is a wild animal.
a.Beruang b.Badak c.Gajah d.Buaya
14. The farmer has three buffalos.
a.Kambing b.Kerbau c.Sapi d.Kuda
15. The farmer takes his ducks to the river.
a.Sapi b.Angsa c.Bebek d.Kerbau
16. Mother buys a pail.
a.Panci b.Sendok c.Gayung d.Ember
17. Father buys a new hammer at the stop.
a.Pencil b.Penggaris c.Martil d.Gergeraji
18. The plates are dirt.
a.Kuali b.Piring c.Gelas d.Sendok
19. Father need some nails to repair the box.
a.Paku b.Kawat c.Tali d.Benang
20. Andi cuts the wood with a saw.
a.Pisau b.Tang c.Pisau d.Gergaji
21. Becareful !!!! the knife is very sharp.
a.Pedang b.Gergaji c.Pisau d.Jarum
22. The forks are made of stainless steel.
a.Cangkir b.Kaleng c.Kuali d.Sendok Garpu
23. Ime brings her room’s key to school.
a.Gembok b.Pintu c.Kunci d.Jendela
24. Father leaves the hoe in the Garden.
a.Linggis b.Sekop c.Cangkul d.Arit
25. Mother keeps the scissors on the drawer.
a.Gunting b.Pisau c.Kunci d.Cincin
26. These spoons are very nice.
a.Ember b.Sendok c.Piring d.Panci
27. Andi has a nice hat.
a.Kemeja b.Celana c.Topi d.Sepatu
28. Ani puts the comb in the drawer.
a.Kalung b.Cincin c.Gelang d.Sisir
29. Father makes a long ladder.
a.Meja b.Kursi c.Tangga d.Ting
30. Ani puts the ashtray an the table
a.Baki b.Asbak c.Baki d.Pot
31. Cassava grows well in our country.
a.Ubi kayu b.Kacang c.ubi Rabat d.Jagung
32. We grow some bananas in the garden.
a.Ubi Rambat b.Padi c.Rambutan d.Pisang
33. Father does not like eggplant.
a.terung b.Kacang c.Buncis d.Kubis
34. Potatoes are cheep now.
a.Belimbing b.Jeruk c.Tomat d.Kentang
35. I like manggo very much.
a.Jeruk b.Mangga c.Jagung d.Apel
36. Those oranges have been ripe.
a.Appel b.Alpokat c.Jeruk d.Salak
37. Mother buys some grapes at the market.
a.Tomat b.Salak c.Buah Anggur d. Duku
38. Ani goes to the market to buy coconut.
a.Kentang b.Semangka c.Cabe d.Kelapa
39. The jackfruit is very sweet.
a.Belimling b.Nangka c.Pisang d.Tomat
40. Carrot is a kind of vegetable.
a.Wortel b.Bayam c.Buncis d.Kol
41. The avocados have been ripe.
a.Alpokat b.Nanas c.Kentang d.Salak
42. The farmer have planted the maize.
a.Ubi Rambat b.Jagung c.Kacang d.Tomat
43. Watermelon grow well in our country.
a.Alpokat b.Jeruk c.Semangka d.Kelapa
44. Mother buys pineapple this morning.
a.Durian b.Jagung c.Duku d.Nanas
45. Mangos teen is expensive.
a.Manggis b.Salak c.Belimbing d.Markisa
Key Answer Of Try Out Test Items.
1. C 16.D 31.A
2. A 17.C 32.D
3. B 18.B 33.A
4. D 19.A 34.D
5. C 20.D 35.B
6. D 21.C 36.C
7. A 22.D 37.C
8. C 23.C 38.D
9. D 24.C 39.B
10. B 25.A 40.A
11. B 26.B 41.A
12. C 27.C 42.B
13. A 28.D 43.C
14. B 29.C 44.D
15. C 30.B 45.A
Pre Test Items
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VII / Ganjil
Waktu : 60 Menit
Petunjuk :
1. Pilih jawaban yang benar a, b, c,atau d yang menurut anda Benar dengan arti kata yang Bergaris Bawah !!!
2. Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada jawaban yang anda anggap Benar.
1. Elephant has a big body.
a.Kebau b.Sapi c.Gajah d.Kuda
2. There are many giraffes at the zoo.
a.Jerapah b.Singa c.Monyet d.Beruang
3. Andi is drawing a crocodile.
a.Ular b.Ikan c.Bebek d.Buaya
4. Frog moves by jumping.
a.Cecak b.Katak c.Semut d.Burung
5. The farmer has three buffalos.
a.Kambing b.Sapi c.Kuda d.Kerbau
6. There are many butterflies at the garden.
a.Kupu-kupu b.Semut c.Burung d.Capung
7. The man kills the snake with a stone.
a.Ular b.Laba-laba c.Kucing d.Anjing
8. The farmer takes his ducks to the river.
a.Sapi b.Angsa c.Bebek d.Kebau
9. Father buys a new hammer at the shop.
a.Pensil b.Penggaris c.Gergaji d.Martil
10. Father need some nails to repair the box.
a.Kawat b.Paku c.Tali d.Benang
11. Andi cuts the wood with a saw.
a.Obeng b.tang c.Pisau d.Gergaji
12. Becareful !!!!...the knife is very sharp.
a.Pisau b.Pedang c.Gergaji d.Jarum
13. Ima bring her room’s key to school.
a.Gembok b.Pintu c.Kunci d.Jendela
14. Ani puts the comb in the drawer.
a.Kalung b.Cincin c.Gelang d.Sisir
15. These spoons are very nice.
a.Piring b.Sendok c.Ember d.Panci
16. The scissors is made from stainless steel.
a.Gunting b.Pisau c.Cangkir d.Obeng
17. Ani puts the ashtray on the table.
a.Mangkok b.Asbak c.Baki d.Pot
18. We grow some bananas in the garden.
a.Padi b.Ubi Rambat c.Rambutan d.Pisang
19. Mother buys pieapple this morning.
a.Nanas b.Durian c.Jagung d.Duku
20. Those oranges have been ripe.
a.Alpokat b.Jambu c.Jeruk d.Salak
21. Ani goes to the market to buy a coconut.
a.Kentang b.Cabe c.Kelapa d.Semangka
22. The jackfruit is very sweet.
a.Belimbilg b.Tomat c.Pisang d.Nangka
23. Watermelon grows well in our country
a.Alpokat b.Semangka c.Jeruk d.cabe
24. I like mango very much.
a.Mangga b.Jeruk c.Jagung d.Apel
25. The avocados have been ripe.
a.Nanas b.Kentang c.Salak d.Alpokat
Key Answer Of Pre Test Items
1. C 16.A
2. A 17.B
3. D 18.D
4. B 19.A
5. D 20.C
6. A 21.C
7. A 22.D
8. C 23.B
9. D 24.A
10. B 25.D
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. B
Post Test Items
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / semester : VII / Ganjil
Waktu : 60 Menit
Petunjuk :
1. Pilih jawaban yang benar a, b, c,atau d yang menurut anda Benar dengan arti kata yang Bergaris Bawah !!!
2. Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada jawaban yang anda anggap Benar.
1. We go to the zoo to see giraffes.
a.Singa b.Jerapah c.Monyet d.Beruang
2. There are many frogs at the pool.
a.Cecak b.Semut c.Burung d.Katak
3. The butterflies are sucking the honey of the flower.
a.Burung b.Capung c.Kupu-kupu d.Semut
4. The ducks are swimming at the river.
a.Bebek b.Sapi c.Angsa d.Kerbau
5. Elephant has a big body.
a.Kuda b.Gajah c.Sapi d.Kerbau
6. The snake is poisonous.
a.Kucing b.Laba-laba c.Ular d.Anjing
7. Andi is drawing a corcodaile.
a.Buaya b.Ular c.Bebek d.Ikan
8. The farmer has three buffalos.
a.Kambing b.Kuda c.Sapi d.Kerbau
9. Ali puts the nails at the box.
a.Kawat b.Paku c.Benang d.Tali
10. I need a knife to cut this rope.
a.Jarum b.Pedang c.Gergaji d.Pisau
11. Andi cuts the wood with a saw.
a.Gergaji b.Obeng c.Tang d.Pisau
12. Father goes to the market to buy hammer.
a.Martil b.Pensil c.Penggaris d.Gergaji
13. The colour of the comb is yellow.
a.Gelang b.Cincin d.Sisir d.Kalung
14. I ask andi to clean the ashtray.
a.Asbak b.Mangkok c.Pot d.Baki
15. All those spoons are dirty.
a.Piring b.Ember c.Panci d.Sendok
16. Mother losts the key at the market.
a.Gembok b.Kunci c.Jendela d.Pintu
17. The scissors is made from stainless steel.
a.Gunting b.Pisau c.Cangkir d.Obeng
18. The mangoes taste very sweet.
a.Mangga b.Jagung c.Apel d.Jeruk
19. The cost of the jackfruit is expensive.
a.Tomat b.Nangka c.Belimbing d.Pisang
20. Those oranges have been ripe.
a.Jambu b.Alpokat c.Jeruk d.Salak
21. We grow some bananas in the garden.
a.Rambutan b.Ubi rambat c.Padi d.Pisang
22. Father likes avocados very much.
a.Kentang b.Nanas c.Salak d.Alpokat
23. Watermelon grow weel in our country.
a.Semangka b.Alpokat c.Jeruk d.Cabe
24. Lool the pineapple!!!!! It is very nice.
a.Durian b.Nanas c.Duku d.Jagung
25.The coconut has decayed.
a.cabe b.Kentang c.Kelapa d.Semangka
Key Answer of Post Test Items
1. B 16.B
2. D 17.A
3. C 18.A
4. A 19.B
5. B 20.C
6. C 21.D
7. A 22.D
8. D 23.A
9. B 24.B
10. D 25.C
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. D
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